Shamanic journey with the ancestors
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The time of your near Samhain and Day of the Dead is celebrated all around the world by people honoring their ancestors. The veils to the spirit realms thin and our ancestors are closer than ever allowing us to make loving contact with those that have come before us.
In truth, we always have access to the spirit realms of the ancestors. This is because we hold the power and presence of our ancestors within our blood and DNA.
This shamanic journey will connect you with one or more “well ancestors,” those in your lineage that come as unconditional love (more on that below, see READ ME FIRST).
Why connect with the ancestors?
Ancestors are different from other spiritual guides in that their presence has the potential to awaken within your blood and physical body. This means that their wisdom may be experienced on a visceral, embodied level.
Ancestors help you recover aspects of your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine original blueprint, which leads to sacred union within. This inner union is crucial for healing.
Ancestors will help you remember your spiritual and lineage gifts, which the trauma of the past have led many of us to forget.
Ancestors bring remembrance of the past, both the beautiful and the ugly. They help you uncover a timeline of innocence and wisdom, and also help you to heal your ancestral karma.
Ancestors give you access to the future. In the otherworlds, there is no linear time, only cycles and spirals. Once the ancestors are activated within your blood, you may become an oracle of what is to come.
LOVE: Your well ancestors have your back in each and every moment and are a limitless source of support.
POWER: Your ancestors activate life force energy within your bloodstream, expanding your consciousness and capability.
WISDOM: Ancestors offer lived experience that is not recorded in history and cannot be learned from any book.
BELONGING: Ancestors root you into a loving legacy on earth that you now get to continue.
What is a shamanic journey?
A shamanic journey is like a meditation in that you will have your eyes closed and will bring all your focus inside yourself. But it is a bit different in that your consciousness will travel across a dimensional portal to another realm.
You may visualize our multi-dimensional world as a tree with three realms: the roots make up the lower world, the trunk the middle world, and the branches and canopy the upper world. We live in the middle world. There are many different dimensions of reality in each three realms and shamanic journeys allow us to travel to other realms and dimensions.
in the journey you shall undertake, I will guide you to a neutral meeting place in the lower world where you will meet your ancestors. The drumbeat will induce a slightly altered state of consciousness— a light trance state that opens you to new inner experiences while you maintain full control of your body and mind. All you need to do is relax and follow along with the narration.
More information to prepare you for this deep and sacred work and help you integrate it is below. Go to READ ME FIRST before beginning your journey.
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Ancestors and the Divine Feminine
Why is it important for those of us on journey of embodying the divine feminine to work with our ancestors? It was through our matriarchal lineages that we were cut off from our divine feminine nature and power, and thus it is also through our lineages that it may be recovered.
Codes and mutations in our DNA are carried within the matriarchal bloodline. Imagine a chord connecting you to your mother, and her mother, and her, and hers, and so on—this is what I call the red thread. Trauma experienced by your maternal ancestors create blocks and knots in the red thread, but it can never be broken!
You still may connect to those ancestors along your red thread that lived many thousands of years ago when the Divine Feminine was widely revered and celebrated by all. It is these ancestors that may guide us back to our true feminine embodied power.
When we reach out to these ancient ancestors along our red threads (and this goes for people of ALL genders, not just women), they come back to us. Their wisdom, once dormant but not lost, reawakens within our blood.
Read Me First…
Before you take the journey.
Well vs Unwell Ancestors
In this shamanic journey, we invite only those ancestors that come as unconditional love. We call these ancestors “well” because they do not have personal agendas. Here is a bit more about “well” vs “unwell” ancestors and why it is important we only call upon those that are well and wholly healed.
Unwell Ancestors
May offer love but are also in need of healing.
Are caught within a karmic cycle and wanting you to help them.
Offer guidance, sometimes unsolicited, as a way to try to heal themselves.
Will repeat the past through you because it is all they know.
May lead you to repeat the past and their own karma.
May make you susceptible to danger.
May warn you against embracing your spiritual gifts.
Well Ancestors
Offer unconditional love and support.
Have completed and ascended beyond their karmic cycles.
Only offer guidance when asked because they honor your free will.
Have knowledge of the past and future.
Have access to spirit realms and worlds that you do not.
Offer protection and wisdom. Are your teachers.
Will help you remember your spiritual gifts.
Ancients are Closer than You Think
Many of us carry an assumption that is is “harder” to connect to ancestors that lived many thousands of years ago, versus those that lived within more recent history. This assumption is false and is based on a linear model of time.
Linear time is an illusion. All existence is simply energy spirals. When we go on a shamanic journey, we cross through time portals and jump over spiral rotations. One drop of the spiral brings you to the megalithic period, which was 3-8 thousand years ago, when the great stone circles and pyramids of the world were built.
Here are a few journal prompts that may help you prepare for your journey. (This is totally optional!)
What negative experiences (if any) come up for me when I think about connecting with my ancestors?
What beliefs or assumptions do I hold about my well ancestors?
What fears do I hold about communicating with my well ancestors?
Am I willing to let all of the above go in order to have a real and true relationship with my well ancestors?
How to get the most out of your shamanic journey:
Ensure a quiet and private space for the duration of the journey + a few minutes afterwards - about 30 minutes.
Collect a stone from nature to be your grounding ally. Be sure to ask the stone’s permission before collecting it. Hold it in your left palm during the journey and blow your intention into it. Please do not use a store-bought crystal in this instance—just a simple stone laying on the ground will do.
You may want to wear an eye mask or darken the room you are in, and have a blanket to cover yourself if you tend to get chilly.
You may choose to light a candle and/or smudge yourself and the room to create sacred space.
Sit up or lay down—it is up to you as long as you don’t fall asleep.
Listen on earbuds or headphones if you can for better sound quality.
The whistle at the beginning brings you into the shamanic space, the whistle at the end will bring you out. The drums and my voice will guide you.
Give yourself ample time for integration afterwards. Journal on your experience so you don’t forget the details.
Place your stone next to you while you sleep for the next few nights to keep the connection to your ancestors alive in the dream space.
SUPERCHARGE YOUR JOURNEY!—Make an offering to your ancestors. Create an indoor or outdoor altar on the Samhain portal between October 31-November 2 where you leave food and drink offerings to your ancestors. The energy of the offerings will be consumed and the physical matter may then be discarded after the portal closes.