Temple gatherings

New Moon Sister Circles

This is a safe space to share in sisterhood all the ways we are navigating the challenges and initiations of our lives and relationships. It is a place to be witnessed just as you are. We leave our masks at the door and enter a temple space where we can be real, and connect woman to woman in ways unavailable in our family and work lives. New moon circles have been a crucial spiritual component of women’s lives for thousands of years. It is time we reclaim the divine feminine medicine provided in these alchemical cauldrons.

Each new moon we invite deepening and sharing on a topic that is a growth edge for us as transformative, spiritual women. All women and femme identified folks welcome.

Goddess High Holy Day Celebrations

Gather with your Goddess Temple kin to honor and celebrate the eight high holy days of the year! These ceremonial gatherings are not to be missed as we invoke the goddess, embody her wisdom codes, and raise our frequency to align with the current phase upon the wheel of the year. Each gathering is unique and may include ceremony, group song, altar creation and potluck. All genders welcome.

Full Moon Embodiment Circles

This is a safe space for embodied self-expression. Full Moons are times for bringing what lives within us through our bodies to be witnessed and released. Like a bubble that is ready to burst, we honor what has grown to completion within us. Full moons tend to be highly charged and emotional times. We ask, how do we need to express ourselves to move that energy? We dance, shake, stretch, breath, vocalize and move intuitively.

Each full moon we invite a different sister from our community to lead us in an embodiment and release practice. All women and femme identified folks welcome. COMING SOON.

Shamanic Journey Circles

These intimate group experiences will expand your consciousness, awaken healing, and deepen your spiritual practice. You will be guided into a state of slightly altered consciousness with the beat of a drum as you are then guided through portals into other times, spaces and dimensions. No previous shamanic experience is needed, and there will be plenty of time to process and debrief your experience.

The journey is unique for each circle. All genders welcome. COMING SOON.

Create-Collage-Craft Nights

Join us for a creative and crafty evening in community. Seasonal goddess inspirational themes provided to spark your muse and deepen your relationship to the Divine Feminine. Collage materials, including images to cut and paste, paper, glue and scissors are also provided. Alternately, bring your current creative project so that you have company while you work. There are no rules or requirements, just devotional time to play and experiment.

All genders plus children welcome. COMING SOON.

Quarterly Priestess Retreats

The coven convenes each season for a full-day of earth magic, sisterhood, divine feminine mystical arts, wisdom practices and healing support. This is a devotional time to deepen into your feminine wisdom, learn esoteric temple  practices, and expand into your communion with the Goddess. Plus, you’ll connect deeply with a sisterhood of women, all of whom are embodying their feminine power.

Held each fall, winter, spring and summer. All women and femme identified folks welcome. OCTOBER 2024 RETREAT COMING SOON.

Alternately, explore Spiritual Mentorship.