Charlotte Elea Dovechild

Hello! I’m Charlotte ElEA Dovechild, founder of Goddess Temple Central Coast.

I’m a Ceremonial Rose Priestess, Shamanic Spiritual Guide and Celtic Witch.

I am a human design Manifestor, radical rebellious leader, and gatherer of transformative community. 

For as long as I can remember, I have been a walker between the worlds. 

Guiding women to remember their divine feminine blueprint and discover their deepest, body-earth-rooted knowing is my purpose.

Gathering in sisterhood and ceremony upon the land is my greatest joy and soul nourishment.

Studying our ancient and mythic past is my jam.

I devote my life to uplifting, celebrating and embodying the Goddess, she who is both our Great Mother and the Creatrix of all life, all worlds.

I carry the truth in my bones that the first religions upon our planet were Goddess worshipping. I lead us in remembering the ancient ways so that we may heal the present and create a different future.

I help women lead their lives through the embodiment of the Divine Feminine and all sacred expressions of the Goddess. I help us to heal our connection to the earth so that her consciousness becomes our consciousness.

I am walking proof that the most profound healing occurs in sisterhood and ceremony. I am honored to carry Divine Feminine mystery codes and practices that are transmitted within initiatory ceremonial containers.

As a Magdalene Sister of the Rose, I believe in the ecstatic awakening of our divine pleasure, desire, womb power and sexuality as a vehicle of spiritual transformation. It is time we come back home to our bodies.

As a Shamanic Inner Earth Guide, I believe that the greatest spiritual nourishment may be found below our feet in the golden-lit ancestral realms and faerie worlds of inner earth, rather than in the sky above.

As a newcomer to the Central Coast, it is my honor to bring the Goddess Codes to my community and raise this temple together. I live in Paso Robles on two beautiful acres of rolling hills with my wife, two cats, German Shepard dog and five chickens.

My Story

I have walked a long ways to arrive here!  As one of my mentors Elayne Kalila Sophia says, “Life is the initiation.”

I share a list of credentials below, but I know that my greatest gift was not cultivated within the classes I have taken, but rather in the wounds I have transformed.

I came into this world emotionally rejected by my mother. I did not know this for most of my life, and carried a heavy weight of alienation, shame, abandonment and the belief that I didn’t belong here. 

I bypassed this trauma believing that there was something wrong with me that made me too sensitive, too needy, and that pushed away those I loved. 

I coped by escaping to other worlds filled with faerie folk and kind, magical beings. I led a girl group in my neighborhood and every moment I could, I would spend with my friends rather than at home with my emotionally chaotic family.

I spent the first part of my professional life as a psychotherapist but quickly burned out and knew it wasn’t for me. I then wandered from job to job through a prolonged existential crisis in deep depression until I discovered tarot and began to come back to my true spiritual, multi-dimensional nature.

It was when I met the Goddess that I truly began to heal. 

As I began to embody the Great Mother, I experienced a form of love that I never had growing up and didn’t even know was possible.

This love of the Goddess cracked me open and exposed all the unloved parts of me. She called me deeper and deeper inward meeting all parts of my shadow, challenging me to love myself unconditionally. 

She took me down the red thread of my mother’s lineage, releasing ancestral karma and contracts that held me a place of separation so that I could return to wholeness. 

She brought me back into balance of my feminine with masculine, light with dark, human with soul, creative with destructive powers.

The greatest lesson I learned is that we all carry a core wound of separation—something that has severed our sacred connection to our Earth Mother. 

It is in the healing of this wound that we experience what it truly means to belong and feel whole. It is in the alchemizing of our wounds that is our greatest gift to humanity. I would not be the Priestess I am today if I was not rejected by my mother.

It was in sisterhood and ceremony with the Goddess and through my body that I healed and came back to life.

During a pilgrimage to Glastonbury, England in 2022 my spiritual journey took a turn deeply inwards into the layers of inner earth. 

I met ancient ancestors of the faerie races who guided me on a series of profound shamanic journeys, initiations and lessons about the hidden worlds below the surface of our planet, and the spiritual enlightenment that may be experienced by reaching earth’s center and communing with the Goddess. 

After moving to the Central Coast I finally began to feel for the first time that I was truly home. 

I laid down deep roots and I can feel them flourish and grow stronger with each new day. I am profoundly grateful to be surrounded by so much love—from the ancient oaks upon the rolling hills, to the hawks, doves and vultures, to the deer, foxes and skunks that regularly grace this land, and to my chosen family that grows and heals alongside me each and every day.

I awaken each morning to a renewed commitment to be a steward and protector of Mother Earth, and to give back to her all that she has gifted me, and then some!


Celtic Shamanic Guide: 

  • 2-year intensive training with Slí an Chroi, teachers John Cantwell and Dr. Karen Ward, in the earth-based mystical healing arts of ancient indigenous Ireland (2022-2024)

  • Certified as a Shamanic Energy Therapist (2024)

  • Self-taught in Celtic mythology and folklore of the otherworlds and ancient mystical traditions.

Initiated Priestess, Magdalene Sisterhood of the Rose: 

  • Two-year personal apprenticeship with Diana Dubrow and Rosa Mystica Mystery School as a scent-anointing priestess of the Magdalene Rose lineage (2020-2022).

  • Self-Ordained: Ceremonial taking of Priestess Vows guided by Diana DuBrow in Mount Shasta, CA (2021).

Temple Guide & Sacred Space Holder: 

  • 6-month training in women’s circle facilitation with Sora Schilling (2018). 

  • 4-month Temple Guide Training in ceremonial space holding and archetypal embodiment with Elayne Kalila and Priestess Presence (2020).

  • Facilitated numerous women’s circles, healing groups, ceremony and temple spaces since 2018.

Ordained Minister:

  • By Venus Rising Association of Transformation as a Shamanic Minister to perform all duties as a religiously ordained person (2023).

Tarot Reader and Intuitive Channel: 

  • Self taught in the western mystical tradition, Wicca, and numerology since 1999.

  • Read professionally and led Intuitive Tarot Reading workshops, Los Angeles and online since 2014.

MA in Clinical Psychology: 

  • New College of San Francisco (2003). Foundation in depth-oriented and Jungian psychology, and post-colonial feminism. 

  • Four years of clinical service to groups, individuals, children, youth, couples and families (2002-2006).