Celebrate the turning of the seasons with us.

Fall Equinox: I am aligned. I am supported. I know.

As we cross over the threshold of autumn, we leave behind the harvest season of late summer, and come into the deepening time

At Mabon, light and dark are equal, and this balance may be felt from within. On the threshold just before nights become longer than the days, it is time to embrace the Sapphire Ray of the inner mystic and truth holder.

Profound insight is available to us in the sapphire temple. As static and excess clears from our systems, our third eyes open to the guidance that is spoken and shared from the core of our beings.

You are invited into a sacred space of discovering inner balance and alignment. Embody your inner wise woman/man, your sage and guide, the one who holds you in coherence with your truth and values no matter what befalls your path.

This intimate and deepening ceremony is open to 12 participants, all genders welcome. Located in Paso Robles at the newly renovated and beautified Dharma Yoga Loft Wellness Lounge.

Sunday 9/22, 5:30-8:00pm.

Come for ceremony followed by a potluck celebration meal. Please bring a dish to share - vegan and gluten-free recommended. Please bring harvests from your gardens, if you have them, so we may share in the bounty of the season.

You are also welcome to where sapphire and blue tones, and bring an item for the altar to the Gatekeeper Goddess, keeper of the mysteries and inner truth.

$33 to save your spot.

Dharma Yoga Wellness Lounge