Fall Magic camp

Open to the OtherworLds of spirit

October 26, 2024 3:30-9pm
Crow’s End Retreat Center, SLO
CANCELED. Please join us for Samhain on 11/1 instead.

The coven is convening for aNOTHER full day of earth magic, sister connection and practical wisdom.

This October as the veils thin near Samhain, our focus will be Opening Portals to the Otherworlds of Spirit.

Do you long to experience yourself in magical communion with the Earth Goddess beneath your feet?

Do you desire a deeper and more clear relationship with your spirit guides and ancestors?

Are you ready to open portals to new worlds and live multi-dimensionally?

This shall be a day like no other as we step into our feminine power. Come experience the magic of your own being! You’ll learn many earth-based magical practices, including:

  • Clearing and cleansing your energetic field

  • Protecting your energetic field

  • Time magic—navigating past, present and future with cyclical and spiral time

  • Ancestral connection and guidance

  • Psychopomp—helping souls transition to the spirit realm

  • Ceremonializing with Fire

  • Opening portals to the faerie realms and meeting allies

Samhain, also known around the world as Day of the Dead and All Hollow’s Eve, is one of the most powerful times of the year to open portals and foster spirit connection. The veils are thin, and those in the spirit realms are likely already making contact with you.

During this full-day retreat, you’ll learn how to make safe, loving contact while maintaining healthy energetic boundaries.

In addition, you’ll connect deeply with a sisterhood of women, all of whom are calling in their earth-based feminine power.

Located at beautiful Crow’s End Retreat Center just south of San Luiz Obispo, you’ll be free to walk the labyrinth and relax within the peaceful grounds surrounded by nature. 

Dinner and snacks will be provided with vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free choices.

Goddess Temple Central Coast honors every woman as a vessel of the goddess. We are a trans-inclusive community. All who identify as women are welcome to attend this retreat.

Your Facilitators

Charlotte Eléa Dovechild is the founder of Goddess Temple Central Coast. She is a Ceremonial Priestess, Circle Facilitator and certified Shamanic Energy Therapist, carrying medicine of the Magdalene Rose and Ancient Celtic mystery traditions. She is passionate about Divine Feminine leadership, transformative spiritual healing and holding space for us to come home to the goddess within and below our feet.

For as long as I can remember, I have walked between the veils of this world and others. I have an intimate relationship with the realms of the ancestors and faerie kind that are hidden within the earth’s body. It brings me great joy to guide others in fostering loving, safe connections with these worlds.

Holly Hansen is a third-generational Intuitive Healer and Clairvoyant. As a highly sensitive Indigo who has working through her own human challenges, she has deep empathy for others who are struggling to be their authentic selves in a society that does not support us. Her services empower others to shine their light more brightly. 

This is why my healing services are called Indiglow….Indigo….Glow…Inner Glow…Go, Indigo, Go!!!! AKA, Indigo empowerment! If you have a deep sense that you were put on this Earth to help others with your healing abilities and need to be of service, but you keep getting in your own way, Indiglow healing is exactly what you are looking for.

Register for Fall Magic Camp

November 16, 2024, 3:30-9pm | Montana de la Luna Retreat Center

$114 energy exchange

1 partial scholarships available.


  • Kailey Breazeale

    I had the most empowering experience at the Witch Camp Retreat, feeling deeply connected to both my earthly soul and universal spirit. For the first time, I channeled Great Mother Earth's energy and let her flow through my voice in front of others. I also discovered a powerful new practice to intuitively connect with a partner’s energy. I left the retreat feeling more aligned and connected than ever before. Truly an experience that fill stay with me forever.

  • Rita Gregory

    Witch camp was an enriching and transformative experience, as Charlotte expertly guided us through a day of activities focused on reclaiming our magical gifts. We delved into the power of the elements and what it means to work in collaboration with their energy.  Invoking the goddess was a deeply spiritual experience in which I embodied a sense of divine presence. One of the highlights was learning to do an energy reading, where we worked with a partner tuning into the subtle energies within and around each other. And crafting spells alongside other magical women provided a creative and empowering way to channel our intentions. Overall, it was a fun and insightful journey into deeper spiritual practices. 


  • Women of all levels of magical / spiritual practice are welcome to this event: Beginners and more seasoned practitioners that desire a deeper connection to the Otherworlds of spirit, and tools to be protected and navigate these realms. All will receive the gift of the circle: sisterhood, feminine wisdom and connection.

  • Send an email to hello@goddesstemplecentralcoast.com with SCHOLARSHIP in the subject line. Scholarships are partial and do not cover the cost of food, location and supplies.

  • We recommend you bring water, a notebook and pen, a coat, and a layer or two to stay warm. In addition, you are more than welcome to bring an item or two for the collective altar to the Earth Goddess, and dried compostable items to feed the fire--this is totally optional. Wear comfortable clothing that you can breath, stretch and lay down in. You may wear black or dark colors in honor of the season.

  • Dinner and snacks, plus beverages and tea, shall be provided with vegan and gluten-free options. We recommend that you bring water. If there is any specific food item you require, we recommend you bring it with you.